Saturday, May 3, 2014

PDF⋙ Soybean cultivars and soil fertility: In the humid tropics by Ifeoma E. Christo

Soybean cultivars and soil fertility: In the humid tropics by Ifeoma E. Christo

Soybean cultivars and soil fertility: In the humid tropics

Soybean cultivars and soil fertility: In the humid tropics by Ifeoma E. Christo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Yield and yield components of soybean cultivars grown in late season were statistically heavier than those grown in the early cropping season. The TGX 1830-20E, 1888-15F 1485-ID and 1740-2F cultivars were the heavy yielders and moderate in soil fertility enhancement in both seasons. The cultivars TGX 1838-12F and 1485-ID enhanced the soil fertility remarkably. Finally, further research is needed to integrate soybean production into the existing dominant farming system of South Eastern Nigeria including maize- soybean relay system for enhanced productivity and improved soil fertility.

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